Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lovely ladies on Wednesday night

Thought I'd share a few photos of my lovely ladies of the night. These girls have been coming to my classes for a long time and we have a really good time on Wednesday nights at Hobbysew. Most of them were working on their Starry quilts last night but several were doing other things as well.  We do a lot of chatting, share ideas and enjoy each others company and occasionally we stitch!

Here are Danielle,Sue and Margaret hard at work. Danielle is working on her canvaswork, Sue on a stitchery and Margaret is decorating a lovely hand towel for her daughter, who is getting married soon.
Margaret and Carol worked on their star blocks and Carol was very excited to complete one. I am not sure she was too pleased to realise that she needed to make about 40 more! 

Margot and Linda chained lots of squares together for their borders and Judy completed a star block too.

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